New Construction Mortgage Success!
I’m thrilled to share that we just completed a new construction mortgage for some amazing clients! Navigating this process can be tricky if you’re not working with a knowledgeable team, but we made it happen! 💪
By presenting a strong application backed by thorough research on comparable properties in the area, we were able to bypass the typical appraisal condition. This gave the lender the confidence they needed to proceed without an appraisal—what a win! 📊✅
A huge thank you to my fantastic realtor, Bryan Cheung, for negotiating a great price for my clients and ensuring a seamless process from approval all the way to possession. Your expertise made all the difference! 🤝
Bryan Cheung (www.bryancheung.cirrealty.ca)
My clients are beyond excited to have their first home, where they can start building their family. 🥳🏠 I can’t wait to see all the wonderful memories they’ll create in their new space!
If you're considering new construction, let’s chat about how I can help make your dream home a reality!
Gordy Sundar Mortgage Broker | Mortgageline M: +1-403-585-0921 E: info@mortgagewithgordy.com W: https://www.mortgagewithgordy.com
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