For the past 18 months, I’ve been working with clients who were navigating the challenging process of finding their first home. They were outbid on over 10 properties, and I stood by them throughout, reminding them that the right home would come and to keep their excitement alive for this milestone in their lives.
Finally, the day came! They excitedly told me they had an accepted offer on a home in Ontario. I was thrilled for them, but they decided to go directly to the bank for their mortgage because they wanted the in-person experience I couldn’t provide, being based in a different province. Ironically, I was offering a better rate with the same bank, but their decision was made.
The first thoughts that crossed my mind were: Should I feel upset for being strung along for 1.5 years? Why did they reach out if this was the route they were leaning towards?
But instead of reacting emotionally, I took a step back.
Rather than guilt-tripping my clients, I congratulated them on securing their new home, wished them well with the bank, and assured them I’d still be here if things didn’t work out as planned.
Losing business is part of being in business. What matters is how you respond. I took a few deep breaths, reviewed my process, and asked myself, “What can I learn from this?” This is just another lesson to adapt and grow from. There’s no point in dwelling on the loss when there’s so much ahead to focus on.
Gordy Sundar
Mortgage Broker | Mortgageline
M: +1-403-585-0921
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